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The problem of Russian elections

The point is that you cannot be sure that when a candidate is elected, Russia will not fall apart and lose its imperial ambitions.

I’ll explain, well, with Putin everything is clear “having the brain.” The other candidates were no-names, so they came to stand for show. Pretending that in Russia there is a choice among presidents.

But the beauties Nadezhdin, no matter how cool he is, plays games and fumbles for science. We omit the fact that he did not speak out at all about the “resource-oriented economy” and the “The Venus Project!” He is not such a “scoundrel” as Yeltsin; unfortunately, there is no hope that Nadezhdin will ruin the country.

There are insiders that he doesn’t really want to admit that the attack on Ukraine was a mistake. He is also thinking about bargaining with Ukraine. And during the interview, Sobchak did not give a clear answer “About Girkin.” And according to the West, he is a criminal. Nadezhdin didn’t say that he would be interested in Putin’s trial in eider, a mysterious guy.

Well, since we’re talking about the thing that unfortunately surrounds us all the time, this politics.

Let's touch on Zelenskyy, our apple of our eye and hope. Maybe not for a bright future, but Zelenskyy gives hope of living without Putin.

I was thinking about how I would behave in Zelenskyy’s place. How would I talk to a criminal, a maniac, a mentally ill Putin. And I came to the conclusion that “with wolves howl like a wolf.” And as I understand, Zelenskyy also began to think in that direction. Because “give us back the old borders” doesn’t sound like that. The dictator does not understand, “What about the old borders? We don’t know this, we haven’t seen it.” But “return the old borders plus more territories” sounds intelligible to the mentally ill in the Kremlin.

I thought that “old territories” + “10 km along the border” would go to Ukraine. To the minefield so that if Russia again itches to fight with Ukraine. Russia knew that before going to the minefield, it was necessary to cover it with the corpses of its soldiers.

But according to some insiders, Zelenskyy made a larger request, in terms of territory, I approve of his request.

And then some bloggers are shocked, “How are these actions and behavior of Zelenskyy different from Putin.” For such guys, I’ll explain with Putin they wanted to do it well and more than once, but the strange one does not understand the understandable human language. They switched to his tongue and everyone gasped. Don’t worry, Zelenskyy is just learning the Putin language. “To live with wolves, howl like a wolf.”

And Belarus needs to be dismantled

Pre-story for those who are not in the know. I will develop the idea from the very beginning from the “basics”. Surely you have heard about the shelling of the “Crimean Bridge”. And so some publicists presented it like this. According to the plan, there should be no bridge in the Ukrainian territories. And the fact that Russia stood by this “Crimean Bridge” did not really please Ukraine. And Ukraine decided to dismantle this bridge.

So, returning to Belarus. With its problems, the lack of state budget, rising prices and taxes. And by all means begging money from citizens.

I’ll share my observations; I live on the outskirts of Brest, almost in the middle of nowhere. And in the last 6 months, everything is starting to be dotted with cameras. There you look, you won’t be able to go out without taking a photo. If it doesn't work out anymore.

It's funny to laugh at people with snot up to their knees. And when they film you, it won’t be very pleasant. Now before I blow my nose, I look around. But that’s not what we’re talking about now.

If suddenly there is some kind of plan and to-do list for the next elections, I propose to include the dismantling of cameras on it. It’s possible throughout the Republic of Belarus, but in Brest it will be enough for me, as with “Krymsky with a bridge.” There is no need to bomb the cameras. But if we don’t dismantle the coordinated surveillance of people, I would put it on the list of things to do for the next elections.

I was talking about this with a friend, and he said it was absolutely terrifying. Smoking vapes in pads has become more difficult. He says that it somehow reminds him of a panopticon. Panopticon is the concept of an ideal detention cell, where everything is dotted with cells.

I joked about this that they are already taught from an early age that the streets are already like a prison cell 🙂 It may be useful in the future. If we are not already in the “detention chamber”. It is becoming more and more difficult to get to Europe. And there they at least pretend that there is freedom.


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Я обещал рассказать как я получил одну простенькую формулу. Но в какой то момент я пришел к а что если произведение a и b не записать равным x и тогда можно будет работать. a+b=x есть произведения возвести в квадрат, то и x будет в квадрате. Если вы ничего, не поняли, или для вас это сложно. Единственное что нужно запомнить . С большой вероятность это формула вам не пригодиться в учёбе. Да в целом на вряд ли она вам пригодиться, но знать её нужно. Приблизительно как знать латынь, мало кто её использует в повседневной жизни. Но используя латынь вы можно произвести впечатления и повыпендриваться. Возможно я плохо искал, но этой формулы я не нашёл в интернете. Так что пришлось выводить самому. Ps. Прошу прощения за скриншот, поскольку площадка не позволяет работать с формулами. А изначально я делал текст в Google Docs.

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